Eat 2 – Des Morts et des Vivants (Of The Dead and the Living )
I really liked the first book of Gille Lartigot. That’s why I asked for volume 2 “Of the Dead and the Living – Chronicles of a Toxic Society. I find the title striking. It illustrates well the idea of a human being who is disconnected and distant from the fundamentals of life, and therefore cannot live it fully.
I love the author’s tone which is not demoralizing despite the seriousness of the issues he raises. Every day I read a chapter. The content is easy to read with powerful words to give us food for thought and invites us to seek our own truth. Questions within reach of children, to share with them so that they do not forget themselves in a consumerist and toxic society.
The interviews are very interesting and destabilizing. The themes addressed are mainly food and health, then the author continues on the theme of survival with a small introduction to survivalism. Once again, he shows us that society and the economy are putting neither ethical nor ecological products on our plates. It is up to us to do our best to eat as healthily as possible. Food is at the heart of health, and he reminds us of the growing gap between our real needs and our consumption, presenting many ills (such as cancer) as a direct consequence.
It is a book that I advise you to read for all the thoughts and relevant advice it offers. A precious tool and a mine of information to improve your daily life.
To go further…
- The site of Vol West a survivalist : https://www.volwest.com/.
I really like the frankness of Vol West who shares with us his experience of survival without falling into paranoia but asking myself am I equipped in case of an accident or other serious event ? Am I at least equipped ? Watching his videos made me want to acquire some simple and efficient tools to be better prepared in case of an accident !
- Pierre Rhabi tells us that since our birth, we live in boxes. This image speaks to me of boxes that allow us to be authentic. So let’s do our best to always be Free and Alive !