Hello and welcome to my site !

Let’s talk about “Treasure” (2019)
A “Treasure” is something precious, often kept secret, well hidden, but which makes our eyes shining…
The treasure: your personal story
Why this site “Les Trésors de la Vie”?
The explanation is here 🙂
I understood, late in life, that we all had in us a great wealth: an inner wealth, a hidden treasure, our secret garden. This treasure is nothing else than our Personal History. I traced my path of life and I discovered many treasure maps that led me from discovery to discovery and helped me to grow, to evolve.
To remember…

Being the captain of your own life
When I was going through difficult moments, I was crying and feeling like sinking, sinking into the depth of the water (a thick, deep and cold water), and drowning into my tears… During my break-up with my first husband (because I refused to live with his mistress !), he had a sentence that marked me. He said : “Marriage is for the best and the worst, and you leave the ship just as easily ?”
Yes, I dared to leave the ship, because I was not on my own ship but on the ship of someone else which I didn’t like the course.
These words resonated in me and confirmed my choice when my best pen pal spoke to me about the poem Invictus (which I illustrated) !
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
Invictus, William Ernest Henle
The word “captain” found a very strong echo into my soul! This is exactly what I wish in my life : always be the captain of my own ship…
New echo in 2019 : I discovered Mathieu Vénisse’s website, Penser et Agir, which talks about identifying your course, adjusting your compass, defining your destination, orienting the sails, taking the captain’s place, surrounding yourself with a good crew and always sailing with a smile! These words speak to me and I found a brand new toolbox to better be the captain of my own life !
Treasure Map
There is a song that I really like “Tu peux compter sur moi” by Louis Chedid and his son Matthieu Chedid. It’s a beautiful declaration of love and friendship. The lyrics are beautiful and the clip, although very childish, speaks to me and shows how you have to keep your child’s soul in yourself !
A song that I want to share with you because despite my difficulties, I was able to count on the sympathetic ear of my friends and family. I also received help from many sides when I did not expect it at all. I hope that through the idea of “treasure map”, my daughters will always be able to keep in themselves their child’s soul. I hope that they can find refuge with their parents where they will not feel judged but protected and loved.
As shown in the clip, the treasure map, the adventures and carried out actions are what count. The content of the treasure chest is eventually just a pretext…
I dedicate this song to all the people who contributed to my happiness : my loved ones, my friends, my family and the strangers who brought me beautiful memories.
Lyrics of the song :
Si jamais tu cherches un refuge, une place où personne ne te juge
Tu trouveras toujours chez moi, un endroit qui ressemble à ça
Si un jour, tu sens le besoin de parler à quelqu’un
De mettre des mots sur tes peurs, si tu en as gros sur le cœur
Tu peux compter sur moi, tu peux compter sur moi
Tu peux compter sur moi, tu peux compter sur moi
Je n’ai pas de bagage magique, docteur miracle, tout le cirque
Mais si tu pars à la dérive, je serai là, quoi qu’il arrive
Ce n’sont pas des paroles en l’air, ni de promesses à la légère
Mais ma déclaration d’ami, peut-être un peu d’amour aussi
Tu peux compter sur moi, tu peux compter sur moi
Tu peux compter sur moi, tu peux compter sur moi
Quelle que soit la raison, ni pourquoi ni comment
Ni pour combien de temps
Tu peux compter sur moi, tu peux compter sur moi
Tu peux compter sur moi, tu peux compter sur moi
Tu peux compter sur moi, tu peux compter sur moi
Tu peux compter sur moi, tu peux compter sur moi
Si jamais tu cherches un refuge, une place où personne ne te juge
Tu trouveras toujours chez moi, un endroit qui ressemble à ça
Si un jour, tu sens le besoin de parler à quelqu’un
De mettre des mots sur tes peurs, si tu en as gros sur le cœur
Ce ne sont pas des paroles en l’air, ni de promesses à la légère
Mais ma déclaration d’ami, peut-être un peu d’amour aussi
If you ever look for a refuge, a place where no one judges you
You will always find at home, a place that looks like this
If one day, you feel the need to talk to someone
To put your fears into words, if you have big ones in your heart
You can count on me, you can count on me
You can count on me, you can count on me
I don’t have any magical baggage, miracle doctor, the whole circus
But if you drift away, I’ll be there, whatever it’s coming
These are not empty words, nor lightly made promises
But my declaration as a friend, perhaps a little love too
You can count on me, you can count on me
You can count on me, you can count on me
Whatever the reason, neither why nor how
Nor for how long
You can count on me, you can count on me
You can count on me, you can count on me
You can count on me , you can count on me
You can count on me, you can count on me
If you ever look for a refuge, a place where no one judges you
You will always find at home, a place that looks like this
If one day, you feel the need to talk to someone
To put your fears into words, if you have big ones on your heart
These are not empty words, nor promises to the light
But my declaration as a friend, maybe a little love too
Treasure Hunt
I really like chinese writing. First of all, I find it beautiful, pretty shapes like small drawings. I love trying to decrypt Chinese characters and take time to search for their meaning with a dictionary, I feel like I’m chasing a treasure. That’s what made me want to learn to read and write Chinese. Furthermore, I call my daughters, baobei 寶貝 which means “My Treasures” in Chinese, because they are my treasures!
I dedicate this personal development website to my daughters Mi-Li and Mei-Lin so that they can find useful information to build their own life path, and recover from pitfalls of life. They will be able to find tools and advice to better grow, evolve and blossom through my various experiences. It’s now their turn to make their own experiences and do their best in this world.
The Internet is a huge reservoir of information where you can find everything. Sorting is therefore essential. I spent hours searching for (and finding!) GOOD information about personal development. This is one of the reasons that pushed me to create this website, so that my daughters could already find information that was useful to me, tools that I tested and were effective, books that inspired me, etc. I want to make my children fully enjoy all these tools. The treasure hunt (for good information) always continues because the world is made of co-creators of treasures.
The treasure : your personal story
Why this website “Treasures of Life” ? Here is the explanation 🙂
I invite you to trace your life path so that you can have an overview of what you have accomplished and to be fully aware that here and now, today, you are going to co-create your life by creating treasure maps that will be your small missions, your small goals to achieve.
I hope you too dear visitor(s) will find what you are looking for here. If you liked this site, a little comment will always be happy, it motivates me and encourages me to improve myself, to move forward. Please write to me if you have any questions or ideas that you think may be of use to me or others 🙂