Haïku d’amour by Jean-Michel Léglise
Right now I am composing haiku to accompany my intuitive watercolor drawings. I felt like reading haiku about love to be wrapped in love this holiday season. I was drawn to the cover of the book “A Red Rose Wilting”. This simple 42 page book is all about love. The love of nature, the love of oneself, the love for two until its torments.
I found pretty the haiku on the back cover :
Si je pouvais être…
le soleil qui te réchauffe,
voudrais-tu m’aimer ?
If I could be…
the sun that warms you,
would you love me ?
I can’t imagine living without love and I need to feel it in every area of my life. This need for affection and tenderness is important for a Princess like me. We all need tenderness (see the song “La tendresse” by Bourvil).
What should I understand ?
The heart already sad, I started to read this book by choosing a page to read at random, so that it brings me an answer to my emotions. I came across this page, this rose on the cover of the book with its 3 haikus. I found that it corresponded perfectly to what I was feeling. I was lost because I did not understand what it is to love sincerely. I don’t know anymore how I would like to be loved so that it sounds right in me and I am in agreement with myself.
Cueillir une rose –
Rouge comme la passion
mais sitôt fanée.
Astres dévorés
par tes grands yeux amoureux,
que dois-je comprendre ?
Au fond de tes yeux,
je ne vois que les ténèbres –
Triste nuit glaciale
Picking a rose –
Red as passion
but as soon as it fades.
Stars devoured
by your big loving eyes,
what should I understand?
In the depths of your eyes
I see only darkness –
Sad and icy night
What I want is that someone loves me for real with sincerity, that he is available and respectful. That this person chooses me in all freedom, ready to build a fulfilling life together and not of difficulty. I would like so much that this day arrives… I would like to see in the eyes of this person, the one who makes me want to write a beautiful love story made of meaning and beauty.
The torments of love
Esprit tourmenté
par ta fracassante lettre…
Mon cœur en détresse !
À me contempler,
je ne t’ai pas vue flétrir –
Regrets éternels…
Spirit tormented
by your shattering letter…
My heart in distress!
Looking at me,
I did not see you wither –
Eternal regrets…
There are couples in difficulty who do not change and continue like this out of habit, forgetting themselves. I have seen couples living like this, especially my parents who kept having difficulties and who did not blossom through their relationship. After that, I say to myself that it is inconceivable to me to have a life of couple without soul and without sense. And now I am tormented by these couples, I feel lost, I doubt what I really want. And if finally this is what a happy couple is (?!)
Tender love
Figure éblouie
accompagnant ton sourire,
une fleur pour toi.
Ton rire inondant
mon esprit de rêveries –
Baignade idyllique.
Dazzled figure
accompanying your smile,
a flower for you.
Your laughter flooding
my mind with reveries –
Idyllic bathing.
It reminds me of my life in Polynesia. I liked to be offered a flower and put it on my ear. It’s the carefree way of life even while lounging on the sand and the lagoon. It is my little universe made of laughter and daydreams. These are attentions that cost nothing, just to be with the person we love, we feel important because connected by this tender love.
Romantic love
Des yeux qui se cherchent,
des mains douces qui s’effleurent,
des cœurs qui s’emballent.
Caressant nos joues,
le vent souffle sa fraîcheur –
Ma main dans la tienne.
Eyes that seek each other,
soft hands that touch each other,
hearts that get excited.
Caressing our cheeks,
the wind blows its freshness –
My hand in yours.
I find these haikus romantic.
Love is touching each other, feeling the warmth of the other, his smell, his softness… It is loving with all our senses. That’s how we feel alive and vibrant with love.
The manifestation of love
Si mon ombre danse…
moi je m’assieds sur le banc –
Je ne suis pas seul
De mon esprit fou
surgit la tendre pensée.
Où vais-je l’inscrire ?
If my shadow dances…
I sit on the bench –
I am not alone
From my crazy mind
arises the tender thought.
Where will I put it?
I really like this haiku. Love is complicated and often generates difficult emotions. It is precisely a way to know ourselves better and to learn to be happy! It is up to us to always listen to what our HEART wants! And there we can only see that love is never far away, in all its forms!
A nice recreation
So I enjoyed this little booklet that I will read randomly from the pages. It was easy for me to imagine each haiku and it made me want to draw one. It was a nice recreation of the mind!
What about you? Tell me which haiku you liked?
To make Love reign…
I added in my playlist this song “La tendresse” sung by Bourvil in 1963. I tell myself that this is it, I just need tenderness.
On peut vivre sans richesse
Presque sans le sou
Des seigneurs et des princesses
Y’en a plus beaucoup
Mais vivre sans tendresse
On ne le pourrait pas
Non, non, non, non
On ne le pourrait pas
On peut vivre sans la gloire
Qui ne prouve rien
Être inconnu dans l’histoire
Et s’en trouver bien
Mais vivre sans tendresse
Il n’en est pas question
Non, non, non, non
Il n’en est pas question
Quelle douce faiblesse
Quel joli sentiment
Ce besoin de tendresse
Qui nous vient en naissant
Vraiment, vraiment, vraiment
Le travail est nécessaire
Mais s’il faut rester
Des semaines sans rien faire
Eh bien… on s’y fait
Mais vivre sans tendresse
Le temps vous paraît long
Long, long, long, long
Le temps vous parait long
Dans le feu de la jeunesse
Naissent les plaisirs
Et l’amour fait des prouesses
Pour nous éblouir
Oui mais sans la tendresse
L’amour ne serait rien
Non, non, non, non
L’amour ne serait rien
Quand la vie impitoyable
Vous tombe dessus
On n’est plus qu’un pauvre diable
Broyé et déçu
Alors sans la tendresse
D’un cœur qui nous soutient
Non, non, non, non
On n’irait pas plus loin
Un enfant vous embrasse
Parce qu’on le rend heureux
Tous nos chagrins s’effacent
On a les larmes aux yeux
Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, mon Dieu…
Dans votre immense sagesse
Immense ferveur
Faites donc pleuvoir sans cesse
Au fond de nos cœurs
Des torrents de tendresse
Pour que règne l’amour
Règne l’amour
Jusqu’à la fin des jours
One can live without wealth
Almost without a penny
Lords and princesses
There are many more
But to live without tenderness
We couldn’t do it
No, no, no, no
We couldn’t
We can live without the glory
That proves nothing
To be unknown in history
And feel good about it
But to live without tenderness
It is out of the question
No, no, no, no
It is out of the question
What a sweet weakness
What a lovely feeling
This need for tenderness
That comes to us at birth
Really, really, really
Work is necessary
But if you have to stay
For weeks without doing anything
Well… you get used to it
But living without tenderness
The time seems long
Long, long, long, long
The time seems long to you
In the fire of youth
Pleasures are born
And love does wonders
To dazzle us
Yes but without tenderness
Love would be nothing
No, no, no, no
Love would be nothing
When the merciless life
Falls on you
You’re just a poor devil
Crushed and disappointed
So without the tenderness
Of a heart that supports us
No, no, no, no
We wouldn’t go any further
A child embraces you
Because we make him happy
All our sorrows fade away
We have tears in our eyes
My God, my God, my God…
In your immense wisdom
Immense fervor
Make it rain unceasingly
In the depths of our hearts
torrents of tenderness
So that love reigns
Love reigns
Until the end of days