Testimonials to share đź’¬
I tell you about my experiences, my many introspections towards self-knowledge and self-love! I hope you find my life lessons inspiring!
Keeping a smile
People tell me that I have a very nice smile! It’s a compliment that means a lot to me, because smiling is something important to me. The Tahitian smile I have always felt “less” than others. I was a tomboy, childish, naive and reserved; I lacked a lot of self-confidence. The smile was a precious help for me to compensate for my silence and to hide my uneasiness. It allowed me to communicate when I didn’t dare to speak. I grew up in Tahiti, and Tahitians are so cheerful and spontaneous. There, everyone is on first-name terms. Warm, welcoming and smiling, they live intensely in the moment! Tahitians have a…
The 100 day challenge
Do you know the Lilou MacĂ© 100-day challenge? The principle is simple: you set goals you would like to achieve, you decide on a date to start the challenge, and you commit to doing your best to achieve them for the next 100 days! December 18, 2015 was the date I started my first 100 day challenge. I had been struggling for two years with difficult challenges, and I really couldn’t take it anymore. They didn’t fit my choices and were unfairly imposed on me. I got stuck in negative resentments, my heart filled with explosive emotions. How to get out of this was out of the question for me,…