Street Dance of China – Wang Yibo
这!就是街舞 – This ! is Street Dance ! produced by Youku
Wang Yibo, a very inspiring idol!

It is with great emotion and joy that I speak to you about the world of Street Dance through the life of WANG Yibo ❤️ He has become my idol. He has an incredible personality. He is very inspiring to me: he encourages me to be myself.
I discovered him in the drama “The Untamed” which I really liked. I also watched the entertainment show Day Day Up《天天向上》where he is one of the 4-5 presenters (from 2016 to 2021). I had good times with them. Over the years, they all became brothers at heart. It’s a very friendly atmosphere and it allowed me to discover treasures of life in China. After that, it made me want to travel to China.
Wang Yibo’s personality touches me a lot with the way he invests body and soul in everything he does. Even though it is difficult he works hard to achieve his goals, it makes him happy because he is doing what he loves. Professionally he is a good leader, a good instructor and he is very mature for his young age. Relationally and socially, he is known for being cold and speaking very little. But when you get close to him, he is really adorable, loving and endearing. People are won over by his cute attitude. He has crazy charisma, especially when he dances! He is sooooo handsome and sexy! I only have eyes for him ❤️ So that’s why I invite you to watch (only) seasons 3, 4 and 5 of Street Dance of China where he is one of the 4 superstar captains!
After watching all the seasons, I skimmed season 1 and 2. I was pleasantly surprised to see Show Lo, Vanness Wu as captain. These are two actors who made me dream with their acting in the drama “Corner with Love” (2007), “Next Stop Happiness” (2009). Well that doesn’t make me any younger hehe! I was surprised to also see Wallace Chung as captain because I liked his drama “General and I” (2017). I didn’t know he did street dancing. I only knew him as an actor although it is common for Chinese artists to have multiple facets: they know how to dance, sing and play a role on screen. I preferred the seasons where there is Wang Yibo as captain.
This! is Street Dance! Season 3 (2020)
Captains: Wallace Chung, Jackson Wang, Wang Yibo, Lay Zhang
You can watch the entire season 3 on the Youku channel. It is subtitled in English:

This web show featuring street dance talents from all nationalities in competition is incredibly inspiring. Recruitment is long and laborious but incredible! I loved discovering the talents of each dancer! I really liked the individual battles, between captains, and teams. There is a lot of laughter, a good, friendly atmosphere, the spirit of street dance. It’s an explosion of emotions, beautiful surprises and creativity on the part of the dancers. Wang Yibo cracks me up, he’s so handsome and sexy!
The Xiaoji Dancer
Captain Jackson Wang impressed me a lot as he had a lot of very explosive moments. Above all, there is the dancer nicknamed Xiaoji (the little chick), he knows how to set the mood and he is guaranteed to have a laugh! So I reveal to you below his compilation of this dancer and he likes to say “Don’t say so much”:
Battle with the team of Jackson Wang and Wang Yibo
Dancing with the finger heart ❤️
They all have a great ability to memorize gestures. I think it’s Wang Yibo who does it so well at each different speed of the song.
The battle with the director
During the participants’ break, the Director was challenged to entertain the audience! It was explosive!
Wang Yibo is a fan of French dancer Bouboo
All the dancers are incredible and seeing them work as a team, the bonds that unite them are really beautiful! It’s beautiful to see their creativity emerge, everyone brings their authenticity and their signature to dance where Wang Yibo is eager to learn things he doesn’t know from his dancers! I am in total admiration for these dance enthusiasts. It made me want to dance like them! I was nourished by their emotion, their passion, the love of dance, I felt beautiful, explosive, electric emotions but above all good human values: joy, sharing, richness, authenticity, honesty, love ! Once this season was over, it was obvious that I was going to continue watching seasons 4 and 5.
This! is Street Dance! Season 4 (2021)

Captains: Lay Zhang, Henry Lau, Wang Yibo, Han Geng
The entire season with English subtitles!
Battle between the 4 captains, and who wins?
This! is Street Dance! Season 5 (2022)
Captains: Wang Yibo, Han Geng, Lee Seung-Hyun, Liu Yuxin
The entire season – no subtitles (but after watching, I’m starting to understand Chinese better…)
Wang Yibo training with his team
Hot pot
At the end of each episode, there are reunions between captains or with the Director. It’s very friendly and also appetizing!
Personal parenthesis
2024 is for me the year of dance. I have worked a lot over the last two years on managing my emotions. But now, I want to make my emotions dance, to bring them to life to music that I love! And seeing this web show Street Dance of China, I felt beautiful emotions overwhelming when I saw them dance!
And you ? Do you take the time to dance for fun at home?
An overview of Wang Yibo
Wang Yibo at Produce 101
Some videos to show you his debut as a teacher and jury in 2018 at Produce 101 (South Korean musical reality TV). I think he’s at the height of his cuteness. He is very professional. He is impressive. He was 21 years old!

Wang Yibo, passionate about magic tricks!
Wang Yibo, motorcycle racing enthusiast
Wang Yibo, as an actor!

He impressed me with his acting in his film “Hidden Blade” (2023)! I invite you to watch BTS where we see the good understanding and atmosphere: the Director describes Wang Yibo and Wang Chuanjun as Dumb & Dumber because they are both shy, but they are very communicative and complicit through their looks and gestures. gestures, smiling stupidly at each other. Below is a scene from their very own moment!