Manga, comic,  Treasures to share ❤️

The great story of a small line

I like to stroll to the media library from time to time and read children’s books (my dream is to publish them), because I am sensitive to the drawing and the universal message it conveys. Who said that children’s books are only for children? This time I was not alone but with my friend and our respective children. She was not in good spirits and I proposed her to do something she had never done before: we were looking for a children’s book that we would read together to forget those negative thoughts.

I chose the book “La grande Histoire d’un petit Trait”, I knew I would like it because it is about a line (that we draw), the story of a big red line that accompanies our life and is a witness of our evolution, of our history.

The line that tells our story

We discovered the story together by taking turns reading it to each other. On each page, I shared with her my impressions of this line that moves and comes to life, making shapes, existing… and becoming the child’s friend.

My friend was very surprised that this simple little red line could evoke a thousand wonders, making her travel, seeing things she would not have seen.

Our favorite image

She asked me afterwards, what my favorite image had been.

I chose this one: “Life was magic” because I love this image of a magic hat from which come out a lot of treasures (it makes me think of the title of my website “the treasures of life”). Treasures that are our memories of emotions, full of beautiful things that only our heart knows the value of what they bring us.

As for her, she likes this drawing “I felt I was growing wings! That’s what she’s craving right now, to be able to take flight, to re-discover herself and get out of her comfort zone, to have a different view of the world !

I was really happy that once we finished the book, we learned more from each other. She found this book to be a good guide to help us grow and understand life. There is no age to seek to understand life, and our life !

I thank my friend for this unique moment that I will keep in my “magic hat” because it was full of tenderness.

What’s in your magic hat ?

What about you ? Do you have an idea of what you will put in your magic hat ? I invite you to close your eyes and imagine yourself adding treasures in your hat…

Did you find the animal hidden in this heart of features ?

When I got home, of course I wanted to know more about this book and author etc. I see that there is an application for children. I’ll let you discover this tale to draw.

What about you ? Do you have a children’s book that stood out to you and that you enjoyed ? Maybe it would interest me 🙂

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