Who am I

I am Hong-Gi alias Princess Little Pea or Princess Butterfly. I have two daughters, my angels who are my pride.
Looking back, my life is like a long quest in search of… me ! To better understand myself, to better accept myself, without judging myself, without lying to myself. I want to be able to be me and love myself as I am. So, I build my way of life so that it resembles me and I share it with the people who are dear to me.
Although similar projects have been in my head for a long time, it is only in 2019 that I decided to create a personal development website with the objective to accompany my daughters on their life path and to offer them tools to better grow, evolve and find their place on this Earth.
My philosophy of life is that everyone is a treasure, both for themselves and for those who love them. So life is made of discoveries and treasure maps ! It is up to each person to find the treasure or treasures that best correspond to him or her, that motivate him or her and allow him or her to live a rich, fulfilling, harmonious life, full of dreams.
Let us embark on this adventure of life, which is none other than the discovery, the surpassing and the love of oneself.
I would like to thank so much Nounours who has been a great support for the realization of this project which has been in my heart for years but which I had to write and tell. I had put it in the drawers, because I had no confidence in my writing skills. And who could I trust to read, correct, or even transcribe my Personal Story ? Who would do it knowing me and loving me enough to look at it with kindness and empathy ? I thank our Teddy Bear for the help he gave me in my writing. For me and my daughters, he has brought so much into our lives !
I thank Peter Pan so much for allowing me to be reborn, to be this new me. Our mystical twin flame relationship allowed me to reveal what I always wanted to experience in my life : true love with its little symbolic rituals. I knew what I wanted in my life, I knew clearly how I would like to love myself and the other, fully and without barriers. I felt all this love that I could give and receive here and now ! Everything is so beautiful and eternal, I feel whole with the universe. I felt that my wounds from the past were blown away, leaving room for love in all its simplicity and beauty. Thank you to him, he has been my resilience.
I am extremely grateful to my two “treasures” Mimi and Meimei who allowed me to heal my childhood wounds and get out of toxic conflicts through their personal story. They allowed me to face my fears by learning to manage my emotions to regain my full power by leaving the Karpman triangle. This difficult experience reinforced my values of freedom and authenticity. I understood and felt all the beauty and strength of the word “Freedom” in my whole being, it is to live fully without childhood wounds and without wounds from the past. I felt for the first time in my life, more than ever free and in my place in this world. My daughters have taught me a lot since they were born, they have made me better and a better parent.