Why write for yourself?
The beauty of your writing
Writing has always fascinated me and I have gotten into the habit of applying myself when I write. At school, I loved looking at the writing of my little classmates, especially that of a left-handed Tahitian woman. This intrigued me a lot, I observed her for a long time: the way she positioned her notebook, held her pen, formed pretty little letters. I even tried writing with my left hand to try to “feel” what it feels like to be left-handed. Finding my signature was also something important for me, since it’s like a seal that you put on precious documents and as I’m a princess, I must have a nice seal… 🙂
As a child, I took Chinese lessons with my brother and sister in Guang Ming Tan. I was immediately seduced by traditional Chinese writing. I don’t remember why, but classes stopped. I regret it a little today! But it was a pleasure to follow them, and the foundations received were good and sowed seeds that germinated when I reached adulthood. So I seriously started learning my mother tongue, so as not to regret something that was close to my heart! It must be said that it was also a way of getting closer to my mother who cannot write or speak French! I progressed at my own pace in learning Chinese on my own. To do this, I read my favorite mangas (Dragon Ball and City Hunter) in Chinese and translated the dialogues.
I knew a friend of my brother who is left-handed and who knows how to draw well. It was the first time I saw a person draw with their left hand! It was incredible for me, I found his drawings magnificent. I would have liked to draw as well as him. This helped awaken my curiosity about writing and drawing.
During my practice of the 100 day challenge, I was able to reconnect with my childhood dreams and memories. On this occasion, and to spice up my practice of the 100 day challenge, I decided to do it by writing with my left hand! It was difficult and not pretty at all, but I took it as fun. After all, I was there alone reading what I wrote, so I could afford not to be very readable. After 1000 days (10th season of 100 days) I can tell you that I know how to write left hand ! I discovered another talent. Since then, when I want to write about myself, I feel more comfortable writing with my left hand. Here’s the short story, I made my dream come true :). It’s incredible !
Love your writing, because it’s a part of you! It’s like an imprint that you reveal to others (and I’m one of those who really looks at other people’s writing 🙂

A proof of love and friendship
Dreamy, reserved and curious, I cultivated within myself a secret garden filled with the little pleasures of life. For example, as a child, I had the chance to travel regularly to my mother’s country of origin, Taiwan, then to discover the United States, Singapore, China, and Hong Kong… Although these are memories childhood, all these different and colorful lives that I encountered left an impression on me. I tell myself now that the world is full of treasure maps that bring magic to the eye!

For a long time I wanted to have a correspondent in every corner of the world! One day, I had in my hands a registration form to have “penpals friends”, but you had to pay to be able to have addresses. I didn’t hesitate and had a correspondent in Indonesia, one in Hong Kong and one in Germany. I was very excited to receive their letters in the mailbox, I was able to discover with great emotion their beautiful writing, their kindness, their letter paper as well as the stamps (of which I made a small collection). These letters were full of little surprises, they were like treasures to me. Telling my life story to people who were college students like me did me good. Everything had to be done in the common language of English! I was very motivated and the English-French dictionary was my new friend… These letter exchanges made me happy.
I received my first love letter, poems in high school from a friend and later exchanged love letters with the father of my children. These are treasures that will always have a place in my memories… Today, I have accumulated other lovely memories by mail, love notes, drawings from my daughters and letters from my darling Nounours ! All of this occupies a big place in my Heart.
My treasure chest is filled with beautiful memories and LOVE!
Writing is a way of enriching others with love and friendship, don’t deprive your loved ones of it!
The beauty of words

I don’t know why but I’m the only one in my siblings who doesn’t master the French language very well. I always confuse masculine and feminine, I continue to make grammar and syntax mistakes… It’s a little frustrating and really frustrating. But despite this I have always loved words; so much so that as a child, I had the pleasure of reading the illustrated dictionary (very heavy!) in the toilet. It’s a great dictionary! The definition is always accompanied by a short example sentence and sometimes also by a small illustration. I opened the dictionary at random, and read the page. I was then looking for an unknown word, which seemed strange, complicated but beautiful to me!
My older sister always loved reading, I always knew her with her nose in a book! So I’m not surprised that her dream is to be a writer. (Besides, her dream came true between 2015 and 2019, her novel “Flayed Women” was published: see my article). His passion for books really attracted my attention. It’s her treasure and she made me want to discover it.

I asked her what her favorite books were and which ones she recommended I read. We were schoolgirls, she advised me to read the 3 volumes of the work “Les Misérables” by Victor Hugo! When I discovered the first volume, I turned a few pages… The writing was tiny, and it was a huge block for me! This impressed me, it’s clear that it was a change from Mickey’s diary, comics, pocket Pif, Comtesse de Ségur’s books and other storybooks… But the love of words pushed me to read them and discover my sister’s treasure.
I took my time, picking up difficult words. I have kept this habit until today. Be curious about the meaning of words! Victor Hugo was important to me because he introduced me to the beautiful world of French literature, I was able to feel the power and strength of words when he used them. I understood that the French language is a complex and magnificent language. Well, despite my interest in words, as Princess Pea, I still prefer to have stories read to me! It’s actually a ritual that I have set up in my home (read my boards here and here)! Maybe it’s linked to this Zorro audiobook that I really liked to listen to as a child?
When I wanted to take my mind off things, I would choose books (many from my sister’s library), an Agatha Christie novel, story books about the Hundred Years’ War, etc. Intrigued, this pushed me to buy a dictionary about the history of the kings and queens of France! I was fascinated, because living on my small island (Tahiti), the History of the great continents made me dream! I even had fun making the family tree of French monarchs… Later I created a site dedicated to the family tree of my household.
Read and write! The history of a country is the life of men. The books are their testimonies. This Earth is a mine of treasures, and a library is a mine of… treasure maps!
Why write for yourself?
These nuggets discovered in the literary world made me want to write. Later I understood that the mode of expression with which I am most comfortable was drawing. So here is a drawing of a small summary of what writing brings me personally:

The benefits of writing
- A freedom to be yourself in silence.
- A therapeutic effect! We turn the page or take a new look at our past. It helps you feel better.
- Putting ideas into perspective allows you to take stock of areas of life, to see what needs to be improved and how to evolve, and to identify your dysfunctions. This step back allows us to escape from the family pattern of which we can be a prisoner.
- What you manage to write are pieces of YOU! These are precious nuggets extracted from your Secret Garden!
- Realize that your life is precious and interesting to the point that we would like to tell it to our children and grandchildren.

That’s why I didn’t have the heart to throw away my 100 day challenge notebooks. These are my writings and they are precious to me, they are my Secret Garden. So I decided to put them in the form of magazines and I named it Champignon Atomique, my heritage for my daughters.
Ideas for small actions to get started:
- Write a simple postcard to someone close to you (family, loved one, work colleague, etc.)
- Write a letter of gratitude. Think of a person who has given you a lot, who has helped you, who has touched you, and write to them what they have given you!
Little pleasures…
Maps to take on a journey

I regret that we no longer take the time to send letters by post. Fortunately there is the pretext of end-of-year wishes, which force us to take the time to write to the people who are dear to us. This is why I am offering you free “beautiful encounters” postcards as well as other pretty themed postcards. They are available in my store 🙂

As a child I collected stamps and I always enjoy looking at the stamps that accompany letters. My latest favorite is the Tahiti stamp from 2016 because I like sarongs, because I like the color red, and because there is the little tiara flower in her hair. Quite a symbol that awakens good memories of my fenua.
Time for yourself and others
If you want to correspond with me by email, to get to know each other, know that I always respond to your messages. You took the time to write to me, invested your privacy and your time, so I will respond to you with pleasure and gratitude! 🙂
If you want to send me postcards from your region, or any other pretty illustration or image that touches you, let me know, I will be delighted to receive this gift, a nugget from you in my mailbox!