• Music,  Treasures to share ❤️

    Die Antwoord

    A friend of mine is a fan of this South African band Die Antwoord, which I didn’t know at all. It was a surprising discovery! The band is made up of artists Ninja, Yolandi Visser and God DJ Hi-Tek. I liked their crazy musical universe right away! Yolandi’s small and childish voice contrasts well with Ninja’s trashy lyrics, forming a nice duo! It’s an extravagant, whimsical, surprising and very disturbing universe. Baby’s on Fire clip The first clip I saw was Baby’s on Fire and I was mesmerized by a very original and special visual. I love those little details that caught my attention while listening to the lyrics. Nothing…

  • Divinatory art,  Treasures to share ❤️

    Enchanted Blossoms Empowerment Oracle by Carla Morrow

    I discovered these beautiful oracle cards thanks to the video below by Celia Mélesville of 12/11/2021. I was immediately conquered by the beauty of these cards drawn by Carla Morrow. I received this oracle box as a Christmas gift from my oldest daughter. I find it sublime, poetic and enchanting. These little dragon butterflies placed on pretty flowers are full of meaning and a message is given to us through the language of flowers and butterflies. The body of the butterfly looks like a small dragon, it reminds me of my Asian origins. I found this to be a great tool for me to learn to recognize the names of…

  • Animation, Anime,  Treasures to share ❤️

    Encanto (2021)

    It was my oldest daughter who introduced me to this Disney cartoon that we watched together. And it always makes me happy that she wants to watch it with me. The word Encanto is a Spanish word that means “Charm” or “Enchantment” and then Abuela means Grandma and Casita means “Little House”. These are words that you will hear often. This is the story of the fantastic Madrigal family that lives in an enchanted house (Casita) in the village Encanto. This enchanted village was born after a tragedy suffered by the Abuela Madrigal: her husband was killed in a war leaving her and her three children battered. This moment gave…

  • Books,  Treasures to share ❤️

    The wings of desire… or the dream life of butterflies by Stéphane Hette

    Photographs by Stéphane Hette, Paul Starosta (preface) – Format 30×30 cm – 160 pages I came across this book by chance while surfing the web. The image and the title immediately caught my attention. I found the title magnificent: The wings of desire… What do butterflies desire and dream of? This is what photographer Stéphane Hette wants us to discover. So I found the cover of the book and the title very poetic! I had to have this book in my hands at all costs, it was already enveloping me with an extreme joy. And when I received the book, I was amazed! I was even more surprised to see…

  • Manga, comic,  Treasures to share ❤️

    One Punch Man by One & Yûsuke Murata

    [Seinen Manga] One Punch Man 一拳超人 – 24 volumes (2009-ongoing) I discovered this manga thanks to Yatuu’s article of 15/01/2016 which made me want to discover Saitama this atypical hero who has a very flashy and authentic look. He is very strong and can defeat monsters with one punch! So he is invincible! So I was not disappointed to discover this totally offbeat universe. I quickly devoured the first volumes of the manga but then I read them with less enthusiasm from volume 10 because I saw that Saitama appeared less often on the boards leaving the honor to other heroes. The fight scenes led by them dragged on too…

  • Movies, Dramas, Series,  Treasures to share ❤️

    Move to Heaven (2021)

    [KO-Drama] « Move to Heaven » (2021) – 10 episodes – Netflix I really wanted to give my opinion on this drama that touched my heart. Each episode is a nugget of happiness, and these nuggets are each filled with very touching messages, rich in emotions. I have always been sensitive to people’s personal stories and the meaning they give to their lives. Here it highlighted the personal story of the deceased and the bereaved who are also the protagonists of the drama. At the same time it made me discover the job of post-traumatic cleaner that I did not know at all: they clean the house of the deceased. I found…

  • Movies, Dramas, Series,  Treasures to share ❤️

    Angel Heart (2015)

    Japanese drama “Angel Heart” – 9 episodes (2015) I am a big fan of the City Hunter universe and Angel Heart so I was very surprised to see that Angel Heart was adapted into a drama. I watched it very quickly, my heart excited by the discovery. I was not disappointed from the first episode, I was even moved, the characters were well chosen! And I really like the presentation of the credits, simple but very telling and which summarizes the central story well. Synopsis We learn that Ryo and Kaori decided to get married. This is a happy news after so many years of teaming up as City Hunter.…

  • Music,  Treasures to share ❤️

    Romantic Chinese Music

    After introducing you to Chinese songs from the 70s, 80s,90s, I give you the youtube channel to listen to love song music, it is : 最好的悲傷的愛情歌曲- TAIWAN (the best sad love songs) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfuVX2QcoNi0D5Keu1ZFeWQ My favourite songs 你的答案 “Your answer” * sung by 阿冗 (A-Rong) Chorus : 黎明的那道光 會越過黑暗打破一切恐懼我能 找到答案哪怕要逆著光 就驅散黑暗丟棄所有的負擔 不再孤單 不再孤單 The light of dawn will pierce the darkness.To break through all fears, I can find answersEven if I have to go against the light, I will disperse the darkness.I will throw away all my burdens. I will never be alone again. I will never be alone again. 错位时空 – “Misplaced Space-Time” * sung by 艾辰 (Ai Chen) Chorus : 我吹过你吹过的晚风那我们算不 算相拥可如梦初醒般的两手空空心也空…

  • Music,  Treasures to share ❤️

    Chinese music from the 70s, 80s, 90s

    I often listen to this youtube channel which offers compilations of random Chinese music from the 70s, 80s, 90s from Taiwan. Some of the songs move me and make me feel very nostalgic about my “old time” pleasures related to my life in Tahiti and Taiwan. It calms me to listen to them because they are always full of emotions, they talk about love, joys and heartaches. The lyrics are very beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFHoFHi3-_lh030g7VRLipg My favorite songs 我的唇吻不到我愛的人 “My lips cannot kiss the one I love” 我的好兄弟 “My good brother (friend)” 谁在意我留下的泪 “Who cares about my flowing tears” 没有你陪伴真的好孤单 “Without you by my side I feel so alone” What about you?…

  • Love,  Testimonials to share 💬

    Twin Flames: Wholeness leads to the end of an ambiguous and toxic relationship

    I followed my heart At first, I felt guilty for not being able to let go of Peter Pan. My friends and family who know my values were hurt by my decision. It was difficult for them, and for me it was hard to take some of their feedback. I have always observed and analysed myself in the face of difficulties in order to be able to get my head above water. This experience is part of my life evolution. When I listened to my heart, each time, I felt more authentic in continuing my relationship with Peter Pan even though it was the riskiest path since I had to…